Hourly Burn Rate (H): User-defined
Minutes per Hour: 60
Production Rate (shirts/hour, S): User-defined
Setup Time per Screen (minutes, Tc): User-defined
Desired Markup Percentage (M): User-defined (optional, default is 0%)
Derived Values:
1. Cost per Minute (Cm): Cm = H / 60
2. Setup Cost per Color (Cs): Cs = Tc * Cm
3. Cost per Shirt (Cp): Cp = Cm / (S / 60)
Total Cost Formula:
For x shirts and n colors: Total Cost = (n * Cs) + (x * Cp)
Per-Shirt Cost Formula:
Per-Shirt Cost = Total Cost / x
With Markup:
Total Cost with Markup = Total Cost * (1 + M)
Per-Shirt Cost with Markup = Total Cost with Markup / x
This formula is applied dynamically to generate the pricing matrix, allowing users to input their specific variables and see real-time results.